Application of IT in statistical investigation
Implement Decision No. 501/QD-TTg dated May 10, 2019 of the Prime Minister on approving the Project of ICT application in the State Statistical System for the period 2017 - 2025, with a vision to 2030 (Shortly referred to as Project 501), the General Statistics Office has carried out many related IT application activities for statistical surveys, specifically:
One is to standardize business processes: Continue to apply statistical information production processes (GSBPM) that have been issued high-level models according to Decision No. 945/QD-TCTK dated September 24, 2013 of the General Department Head of the General Statistics Office, the Italian Technical Assistance Project is helping the Statistics sector to define and develop statistical standards, thereby building a process for producing detailed statistical information. To monitor the compliance with the process, the General Department is studying and will deploy the application of the Modernization Maturity Model (MMM) tool.

The delegation of GSO is headed by Ms. Nguyen Thi Huong, Deputy General Director of GSO.
overseeing the census of information collection in the 2019 Population and Housing Census
in the city. Ho Chi Minh
Second, the application of electronic questionnaires: The Statistics Department has successfully applied electronic questionnaires (CAPI and webform) in the 2019 Population and Housing Census, reaching 99.9% (higher than the target). The target of Project 501 is 80%) which shortens the time to collect information and process Census results compared to the traditional method (using paper ballots, then entering information on the keyboard or scanning the ballots - scanning). In addition, the General Statistics Office has gradually applied the CAPI electronic questionnaire for other surveys: Labor, employment, population fluctuations, and consumer price index.
Third, operational management and survey supervision: Census and surveys applying electronic ballots have been centrally monitored from the central to local levels and survey participants in order to monitor data. promptly investigate and solve problems in the investigation process.
Fourthly, deploying software for collecting paper survey information and processing survey results in the form of a centralized database. Thanks to the smooth connection infrastructure throughout the industry, the deployment of business software in the form of a centralized database has improved the congestion in sending and receiving data. Thereby, survey data is continuously monitored from the central to local levels right in the information input stage. The software for processing survey results is also gradually integrated according to common business to share common utilities and easy administration.
The fifth is the use of big data: In the trend of using big data in the world, the General Statistics Office has implemented big data research in compiling the consumer price index through collecting product prices. products on the internet and research real estate prices. However, the research results are only used as a reference and continue to innovate the methodology to get results close to reality.
Sixth is to build a database of censuses and micro data mining software. Some data warehouses based on MS SQL include: Results of the 1999, 2009 Population and Housing Census; Census of economic, administrative and non-business establishments in 2007, 2012; Census of rural, agriculture and fishery in 2006, 2011, 2016; Population living standard survey, Labor and employment survey.
Seventh is to disseminate visual statistical information (infographic) such as reporting on socio-economic situation and exploit statistical data in a customized way for some survey results on the website of the General Department .
IT application in data sharing with ministries and sectors
In the past time, the General Statistics Office has signed cooperation agreements to share data with many ministries and branches, including the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Health, the Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs, the General Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. Tax, General Department of Customs… Applying IT in data sharing with ministries and branches will bring high efficiency, up to now, the IT system's capacity has supported the following implementation:
Firstly, using administrative data in statistical work
On May 26, 2016, the Minister of Planning and Investment signed Decision No. 693/QD-BKHDT approving the project of information technology system on connecting and exchanging information with the General Department of Taxation. Up to now, the two agencies have built information technology infrastructure, connecting and transmitting data automatically. At the same time, the General Statistics Office has been building and exploiting the database received from the General Department of Taxation to serve the statistical work in general and the annual enterprise survey in particular.
Currently, the identification information about taxpayers provided by the General Department of Taxation is effectively used by the General Statistics Office, especially in the business review stage of the 2017 Economic Census; and annual enterprise survey, thereby determining and agreeing with the tax authority on the scope and units of investigation for the enterprise sector.
In addition, information extracted from financial statements is used to compare, contrast, and clean the data of the Survey.