14/07/2021 00:00
Đã xem: 306
The added value of the whole industry in the first 6 months of 2021 was estimated to increase by 8.91% over the same period last year (in the first quarter, it increased by 6.29%; in the second quarter, it increased by 11.45%). In which, the processing and manufacturing industry increased by 11.42% (in the first quarter, it increased by 8.9%; in the second quarter by 13.84%), contributing 2.9 percentage points to the increase in total added value. of the whole economy; electricity production and distribution increased by 8.16%, contributing 0.31 percentage points; the water supply and waste and wastewater treatment industry increased by 6.75%, contributing 0.04 percentage points; the mining industry decreased by 6.61% (due to a decrease in crude oil production by 7.3% and a decrease in gaseous natural gas by 12.5%), reducing the overall growth rate by 0.25 percentage points.